FatePlaysGames #001 Xenoblade Chronicles Part 2.5 - Out Of Game Update
Summary?: This isn't really a part of my intended posting schedule, but my write-up of Part 3 is a little too long so I trimmed off this section from the top. I think it stands well enough on its own but the second section (on Fire Emblem) was added when I decided to make this separate post.
I just want to take a quick moment to talk about the experience of LPing so far. I knew, from a couple of LPers on YouTube that I follow, that LPing a game is a very different way to play than I normally would, even without the addition of text or vocal commentary.
I game on average 2-3 hours a day most days of the week and I tend to stick to one game at a time. I know Mark has occasionally expressed how odd it is for him to read and review one chapter of a book at a time, even that it's not how a given author intends their book to be read. Gaming in 30 minute stints every couple of days is unusual (it feels like I'm not getting 'into' the game even though I like what I see) but so far still enjoyable.
My only fear is that when there is little story content the post might be somewhat uninteresting. Most of the last post and most of this (next) post too is me doing what I would do at this point of the game, so it's certainly a 'pure' experience, but how do you guys feel when there's little story analysis and twists to mull over?
On it's own, excised from a normal full post I can see how this might seem that I'm a bit down on the experience (or the game) so far but don't worry, this is my just venting some honest thoughts (very) early in this project. I am most definitely keeping the posts coming! :D
I'm using the rest of my gaming time to play Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. It's my first time playing it, though I discounted it from being a game I'd consider for posting about as I kinda latently absorbed a lot of small spoilers (but less than I thought as it happens) from that den of a time sink, TV Tropes, and from FE: Awakening (can't wait for Fates).
V'z yvxvat vg fb sne birenyy. Vg'f xvaqn jrveq sbe zr univat cynlrq Njnxravat svefg, nf guvf vf gur frpbaq gvzr V'z pbzvat npebff guvatf fhpu nf fxvyyf naq rira pregnva zncf fb V'z ergebnpgviryl erpbtavfvat fghss sbe gur 'svefg' gvzr. Puncgref rvtug, avar naq ryrira (pheerag) unir orra/ner ernyyl grfgvat zr; V'z arrqvat n tbbq 5 be zber nggrzcgf ba gurz.
Bar guvat V'z tynq V qvqa'g frr va Njnxravat vf zbhagrq havgf orvat noyr gb zbir ntnva nsgre nalguvat, zbfg vashevngvatyl nggnpxf! Znlor V unira'g punatrq zl gnpgvpf rabhtu gb nqwhfg gb guvf, ohg gur rarzl frrzf gb hfr guvf bcgvba zhpu zber rssrpgviryl guna zr. V pna'g whfg fraq n pbhcyr bs ernfbanoyr havgf (yvxr fnl, Oblq) gb fvg naq ubyq na nirahr bs nggnpx sbe n srj gheaf 'pnhfr gur pninyel whfg nyy uvg naq eha naq ur gnxrf 4 uvgf vafgrnq bs 2. :(
Vg pbhyq nyfb or gung V'z gelvat gb onynapr (erpehvgvat naq) xrrcvat rirelbar nyvir, znxvat fher gurl'er jryy yriryyrq (v.r. abg yrggvat Gvgnavn flcuba bss gur RKC) naq trggvat nyy gur gernfher!
Next Time: Part 3 and Colony 9!