FatePlaysGames #001 Xenoblade Chronicles Part 3 - Learning The Ropes
Summary: I continue to settle myself into this game and LP, complete my first quest and meet some non-homs.
Location: Mechon Wreckage Site
Picking up where I left off I kill a couple more enemies on the last stretch to Colony 9 and pick up some more collectibles. I also notice my HP regenerates outside of combat, which I'm actually a little disappointed about. No doubt I'll change my mind on that later! The game takes over briefly as we enter under the cover of darkness.
Location: Colony 9
Wait what? Does... does that titan look more like the one without the glowing sword to anyone else?!
It didn't come across in Part 1, but if the one with the ornate non-glowing sword was the Bionis and not the Mechonis then that's really not good: he was losing before they both died (of what anyways, old age?).
What does that mean for the Monado? I also happened to omit (though allude to) the fact that it glowed blue when Dunban was using its power. Could the Monado be Mechonic in origin? It looks all sci-fi and nifty... but so does everything else, so I thought nothing of it earlier.
Later Observation: I'm leaving the above in as they were my natural reactions, but in giving this post my usual final checks for spelling, grammar, pictures, etc., I actually think it does look more like the lightsaber wielding titan. The rear-end is confusing me into thinking it is the other titan's clockwork like sword. May still be, who knows! Well, some of you know. But don't tell me please!
On a second trip through my menus, I notice an option to change the in-game time. I didn't want to risk messing with it right now, but I have to assume I can only forward time to get to a better time of day (for... stuff). As to what happens during lost time I have no idea. I'll look for a tutorial to pop up for it later.
Reyn leaves the party (which has fields for reserves and guests) and is off to the HQ. He also mentions my destination, the Weapon Development Lab. It makes me wonder on how official Shulk's status in the military is. He can fight (that said he is a RPG protagonist), but his demeanour makes it come across as more of a hobby than a vocation.
I level-up twice as I explore the city and get EXP from reaching Landmarks.
I pop back out of the colony to get a few collectibles the game made me skip over before exploring properly. The first house I come across (which I can't enter) is Dunban's! More interesting still as I snoop around the back of the house I find the Key Item 'Wedding Ring'! Gut instinct tells me it's probably be his (late) wife's ring (to be clear, no prior evidence to support this), but I'll have to eagerly await till I can confront him about it for the truth.
Several features opened up to me upon entering Colony 9. Quests are now available, shops are open and intriguingly so are trades. I visit the first (and only) shop but choose not to buy (or sell) any equipment or skill... things (improve skill levels I think?) right now and save my (starting) 3000G. G for gold or something more creative? I also get hit with these purchasing options:
Bikini Top description: "Ladies' bikini top. The special pads increase volume!"
Bikini Bottom description: "Ladies' swimsuit that can also be worn as an outer garment."
Really game? I don't want this at all but you're giving it to me within the first hour?
I'm introduced to yet another game mechanic here: the Affinity Chart. I realise that might come across as my not being overjoyed but that's only in the sense that there's another aspect of the game to keep track of (for this LP). Normally I'd love all this stuff to do; here it is slightly daunting but something I'm not backing away from!
Keeping up with the affinity chart will increase my reputation in a given location, which'll get me new items in the shop as well as some 'bonuses'. I'll be doing it, but I'll probably keep the mentions from here on out brief.
My first quest. Désirée's father, who died a year earlier *coughcough* could have fixed it but now it falls to me.
I need to take Désirée's broken watch to my lab. The game is also kind enough to let me know when a quest is time-sensitive. Like the HP regen I'm not sure what to think about this. It's nice, but seems overly helpful and in this case self-spoilery. Again, I'll probably use it well enough, but I wouldn't really miss it (particularly on a first play-through) if it wasn't there.
In addition to 'The Broken Watch' I also pick up quests for 'Material Quest 2' and 'Collection Quest 2' (where are the 1 versions, the daytime maybe?), the latter is completed immediately. Along with having a sale price this pretty much confirms I can get multiple quantities of each Collectible, because accepting the quest takes it off my hands right away. It would have been nice to have the choice not to hand the Plate Snow over yet. I get 300G for my troubles however and I'm still going to hold on to my other collectibles till I have a full set.
Woman behind counter: "Everything in the world is made from ether."
It's not an uncommon idea, especially in video games (Tales of Flzcubavn comes to mind first), but it's an interesting little tidbit to pick up regardless.
One of the unnamed inhabitants of Colony 9 told me about how the Nopon living here were good at business, which briefly made me stop and realise I never considered there'd be non-Hom/Human intelligent life (besides whatever the Mechon are). I say briefly because moments later:
Zhe's adorable!
I finally notice the trade option when talking to a young guy called Sesame. I need to give something (anything it looks like) that has a greater value than what I want with another bonus of some sort for vastly exceeding the value. Just what are all these supposed bonuses I can get? In this case I swap a Bunnit Paw for Broken Part S 'cause the description hints that I can make armour out of it. I notice a few more people that can trade once I pay attention and it looks to be named individuals only.
Sesame and his group of 'youths' is accused of [huddling suspiciously]. I have trouble taking this seriously as we learn that they're planning 'something big' that involves recruiting a researcher, an artist and someone who cooks a real good curry. They are all people with names though Sesame's friends aren't.
The last thing I discover is a Gem Furnace. I can turn my Ether Crystals (drops from monsters) into Ether Gems. Just not now, because it's too early in the game to have that ability/the furnace is broken. I'm not sad for long however 'cause FREE STUFF! I get a 'Strength Up II' (+20) and 'HP Up II' (+12%) gem and put them straight into Shulk's starting Junk Sword. And joy of joys I can take them out at will!
I've explored all I can in the front end of Colony 9 and it's getting light again. My next destination awaits.
Next time: Going to the Weapon Development Lab and some story content.